Founded in 1981 with the assistance of CMHC and the Human Development Council, Housing Alternatives Inc. is a nationally accredited, non-profit Resource Group. Our mandate is to add to the housing supply and provide housing related services, so as to improve the quality of life for people of low to moderate income in New Brunswick. We are part of a network of over 40 Resource Groups in Canada, one of two in New Brunswick.
Housing Alternatives Inc. has developed ten continuing housing co-operatives, nine in Saint John and one in St. Stephen, totaling 338 units.
For more than 40 years we have been assisting people with alternate solutions to their housing challenges. Our main purpose is to provide housing support services to non-profit and housing co-operative groups working to provide housing to low and moderate income households. Housing Alternatives Inc. has been recognized locally, nationally and internationally for our innovative and sensitive approach to housing development.
Housing Alternatives Inc. is an exceptional property management company. We have a history of commitment and dedication to the principles of co-operation and understanding non-profit enterprise. That is why we are unique and worthy of your consideration when deciding how to meet your organization development and property management needs.